Had today off work but being busy today as well as hungover from last night meant I failed to get out for a run.
Tuesday, 16th December 2014 – Rest day
Still very tired and, even more depressed by the weather, so I just lay on the couch all evening!
Wednesday, 17th December 2014 – Rest day
Tonsils were swollen all day at work so I made the mature decision to stay in and allow myself to recover.
Thursday, 18th December 2014 – Rest day
Ended up painting a few walls in my apartment with the intention of going out afterwards but by the time I was done it was 10:30pm and my window of opportunity had passed.
Friday, 19th December 2014 – 7.4km Easy (5:39/km)
After four ‘rest days’ in a row I just had to get out for a run this afternoon. I intended on doing the 12km loop but about 200m before I was due to turn right and start the extra loop I felt a pain in the outside of my right knee. I gave myself until the turn to make a call on it and seeing as I was due to run St Anne’s Parkrun the following morning I decided I should err on the side of caution and turned left for home instead. Of course, 500m later the pain had subsided again but I was all too happy to continue on home!
Saturday, 20th December 2014 – 9.4km St. Anne's Parkrun (4:22/km)
I had promised Denis (Whom I met at the Berlin marathon) that I would pace/run with him in an effort to help him beat his PB of 22:05 in this morning’s St. Anne’s parkrun in Raheny. Seeing as my recent form has been just sub 22 I was confident we’d both manage it.
I ‘ran’ into him during his warmup and we managed 2km before the race started. I met Mark & Colm as well as Anne & Anna, who were also on the Berlin trip in September. A quick hello to RD Jamie and we were off to the start line. Myself and Denis tucked in a few rows back with about 30 people ahead of us. In no time we were on our way. Our starting position appeared perfectly planned as by 50m we were out of any congestion from the mass start. At this point Denis mentioned he’d be conserving all his energy for running and that I’d not be hearing much chat from him for the remainder of the run. I muttered something back to suggest I’d be doing likewise!
We passed several people in the opening km and as we reached the back straight my watch beeped for the first km at 4:20 – right on target! Then 30m later Denis’s watch beeped and immediately I wondered which was the most correct?! We continued on regardless and hit 4:22 for the second km and things were still on track. As we went through halfway I was expecting the time to be approximately 10:55 and as we passed 10:57 was called out. It was definitely tougher than comfortable at this stage and as we went around the corner over the start line Denis mentioned this was the place where he usually found it toughest. With the wind direction the way it was Today would be no different so we just kept on plugging away through the third km split which was 4:28. At this point I was slightly wary that sub 22 might be a struggle and when we went through the fourth km in 4:35 I tried justifying the split by alluding to the tree coverage and the into the wind run down the back straight. I didn’t say too much about these dodgy splits to Denis though as I knew the final 900m would be quick as it is perfectly flat and downwind. So with about 800m left to go I suggested to him that if he had anything left now was the time to push on. The response back was that he was already just hanging on so I knew I had a bit of work to do yet. We targeted a guy just in front and once Denis heard this I saw an immediate quickening of his pace. With 400m to go I was now paying for own my lethargic week and I was struggling to stick with him. With 50m to go we passed Denis’ family and spurred on by that he gained a few metres on me to cross the line in 21:49, with me 2 secs back. He’d just completed his clean sweep of PBs for the year!
It was only afterwards that he mentioned he wasn’t looking at his watch all race at all but simply placed full faith in me to lead him around. I think if I’d known that I’d have been nervous on the fourth km! Anyways, job done and an easy 2km cool down jog back to the car. I’d almost totally overlooked my New PB* of one second!
Sunday, 21st December 2014 – Rest day
I was out last night enjoying the merry festivities of the season so was fit for nothing today! Very poor week running wise, I’m gonna have to get back on track next week when I’ll have more spare time for stuff!
Week 50 Summary:
RTW: 2 from 7 days
DTW: 16.8km
DTY: 2,470.1km
RTW: 2 from 7 days
DTW: 16.8km
DTY: 2,470.1km
*Post hamstring injury!