Monday, 7th January - 17.7km LT Intervals with 8 x 1km.
The new week began with bringing Tuesday's LT run forward a day seeing as I was feeling significantly fresher than Sunday. A couple of easy kms and then I started into the interval sessions. I had decided on 8 intervals of 1,000m as a purely arbitrary number with a similarly arbitrary 500m recovery in between.
They all went pretty well with the HR hitting the 150's on most of them. Some of the paces fell away in the middle as those segments were either uphill and/or into a breeze. But at this stage it's all about the HR and I was more than happy with this for my first LT Interval session. I will try a similar session early next week with perhaps a reduction to 400m for recovery. I may possibly look to decrease this even further in future.
Tuesday, 8th January - 11.3km Recovery Run.
Tonight I went for an easy recovery run. The HR averaged out at an easy 134bpm well below the 140bpm ceiling so happy with that. The pace was very relaxed at an av of 5:34/km but I'd expect to see that get a bit speedier over the next few weeks whilst the HR remains steady.
Wednesday, 9th January - 11.5km Recovery Run incl game of 5-a-side.
Got a text from Al to see if I would fill in for a game of 5 a side this evening and seeing as it was meant to be a rest or cross train day I decided to oblige.
Easy run down to the pitch with a slight detour to add a little bit of distance and to waste time.
The game itself was enjoyable but I did notice that I didn't have a lot of power or burst of speed which isn't hard to understand given the lack of speedier training recently.
The jog home afterwards was tough as the legs were well flogged at this stage. I had ideas of adding a couple of km but in the end just decided to take the direct route home.
Bloody cold out there tonight!
Week 2 Summary (to date):
RTW: 3 from 3 days
DTW: 40.5km
DTY: 89.7km
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