This was just a handy distance run to tick off the box but to leave me in decent fettle for tomorrow’s LSR. Not a lot else to report really.
Saturday, 22nd February 2014 – 33.2km LSR incl 5km @ MP (5:12/km)
I had arranged earlier in the week to meet with Anto down in Clane for an LSR this morning. Anto was the one who nominated 8am though! So, up at 7am to have a bit of brekkie (Tea & scone and bowl of granola) and on the road by 7:35am. Unfortunately I was listening a little too enthusiastically to Phantom FM and missed the Lucan turn off! Not a great start but after a delay of no more than 5 mins I was back on track.
It was probably 8:20am by the time we started our run and the first 4 miles were long a nice quiet country lane to the back of Donadea forest. 300m later and we were now on what will be the Staplestown 50k course in May. During the first of our two 6mile loops of the course things were ticking along nicely. We crested the only hill on the course easily enough and by the time we reached the left hand turn for the final 2 miles of the loop it was time for me to go MP pace. Anto perhaps wisely stayed at his own pace (approx. 5:10/km) as he was beginning to find things a bit tougher.
I have usually been running MP at the lower end of the range (3:36/km) but today I managed to clock a pretty decent first km of 4:27 and so I decided to keep around this pace for the remainder which worked out at 4:24/4:25/4:28/4:24 and I only really pushed the effort on the last one when I faced into the breeze. I am hoping to step up the MP range over the next 2 months to this level so that whatever MP I decide on for the day will feel somewhat easier and more natural.
After the MP segment was done I retraced my steps for about 400m until Anto caught up and we went about finishing off the second loop together. By now Anto was suffering and the average pace dropped about 30secs/km. I stayed with him for another 7km before pushing on over the remaining distance. I found myself back at sub 5:10 wothout a hige amount of effort but as I was getting closer to the finish I was getting more tired by the km. Thankfully kept it solid all the way though and finished in 33.2km in 2:52 with an av pace of 5:12/km. Probably the first LSR I’ve been happy with this year and hopefully a good indicator for the next 60 days!
Sunday, 23rd February 2014 – 7.4km Distance (5:40/km)
Waited til the evening time before I went out for a short recovery run. This felt pretty rough and I was putting it down to the LSR yesterday. However, later the same night I started getting some symptoms of flu including aching limbs and joints and general fatigue so I think this may have led to the tough run more than anything.
I had intended on getting this week back on target with a sneaky double session or two but in the end I still failed to break 100km from 8 runs! This I will definitely fix for next week.
Week 7 Summary:
RTW: 8 from 7 days
DTW: 95.8km
DTY: 734.7km
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