Thursday 5 December 2013

Marathon-3 days

Monday, 2nd December, 2013 – Rest Day
I’d been sleeping really poorly both in terms of quantity & quality the past few nights so I was very tired this evening and decided if you can't take an evening off in taper a week before the big day then when can you?!

Tuesday, 3rd December, 2013 – 7.4km Recovery Run with 2km @ MP (5:10/km)
I found it difficult to motivate myself for this run as it was ‘only’ a recovery paced run but decided to throw in a couple of MP kms. This helped focus the mind and the ran passed by quickly enough in the end. The two MP kms were 4:40/km @ 140bpm and 4:31/km @149bpm so happy enough.

Wednesday, 4th December, 2013 – 7.4km Easy Run (4:41/km)
This evening I took my lead from JD’s plan for final week before a marathon. He suggests a 40-60min run at E pace. So, I started off at my E effort and hit 4:55 for the first km. I got a little indisciplined then though and sped up subconsciously to 4:50, 4:40 & 4:32 over the following kms until I realised I was going too fast. I hadn’t been looking at the watch but it’s comforting to know that I was getting faster without really noticing it a huge amount. Eased back for the next couple of kms before unintentionally going too fast over the last full km again. The final half km I threw in a few strides and this resulted in 4:04/km pace. I really hope I don't end up regretting this on Sunday but it felt like I was in great shape last night anyways!

Week 48 Summary (so far):
RTW: 2 from 3 days
DTW: 14.8 km
DTY: 3,660.4 km

1 comment:

  1. Good run there, HR low for the pace you were doing. Now don't get carried away and do something stupid between now and race day AND don't touch a drop of alcohol until after the race!!!!! Best of luck.
